Liberté Coffee LLC

Designer | Estudios Salmón

Location Houston, TX, USA & Guatemala

Launch date | July 10, 2022


To develop and define Liberté Coffee’s Visual Identity, we considered that through all the communication pieces the brand could represent the agro-coffee culture and the Guatemalan culture; therefore, we re-interpreted and adopted various elements from the coffee farms as well as the communities, making them fundamental part of the brand’s identity. Elements like the morphology of a branch of a coffee plant, the hands of people collecting coffee beans, the Quetzal, Guatemala’s national bird that cannot live in captivity, and the ‘Tuc-Tucs’, the most common and practical mode of transportation in the rural areas and coffee communities. These elements together with a color palette mirroring the diversity that Guatemalans offer; colors that we see in nature, on the streets, in the local markets, and in the traditional clothing of our people. Liberté Coffee’s branding was designed so that the consumer enjoys an excellent cup of coffee, awakens the humanity in coffee, supports our Social Outreach Program, and evokes the feeling of being part of a community. Thus, generating affinity with their values and interests, and awakening the curiosity to learn more about Liberté Coffee, about specialty coffee, and about Guatemala.


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