Vero Coffee House

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Designers | Etiquette

Location | Kaunas, Lithuania

Launch date | May 1, 2020

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We initially wanted to create packaging for specialty coffee which would be different from big commercial brands on the shelves of supermarkets while showing our professional view of coffee.

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Our promise is that we know the coffee all the way from the producer to the final buyer. As we have direct relationship to coffee farmers, therefore we can guaranty quality and taste.

The inspiration for the packaging background were coffee plantations and relief farms situated in the mountains. Labels were designed to have professional information while being simple and understandable for supermarker buyers. Coffee is placed in boxes with the same design.

Sukurti pakuotes specialty kategorijos kavai. Pakuotės privalo būtų matomos prekybos centrų lentynose ir atskleisti profesionalų.Vero Coffee House skrudintojų požiūrį. Pakuotė abstrakčia vizualine kalba pasakoja apie kavą.

Aiškiai matomas logotipas patalpintas kuo žemiau. Dominuoja raudona spalva. Etiketės atrodo ekspertiškai, bet suprantamai ir įtaigiai. Stambūs pavadinimai ir aiškios savybės, o kiekvienas produktas atpažįstamas pagal spalvą. Raštas: neretai kavos laukai banguojasi, nėra monotoniški, raštas atspindi tą gamtos tikrumą, įvairialypiškumą.

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