Pergamino Café

Designer | Diego Fajardo from Base Taller

Location | Medellín, Colombia

Launch Date | May 7, 2023


The primary goal was to revive the neighbourhood's original architecture, deeply rooted in Art Deco and mid-century modern styles. In a conscious departure from the trend of replacing old houses with modern structures, the chosen house, with its Art Deco facade, underwent a meticulous restoration process. Despite a previous renovation that left it almost soulless, the designers aimed to capture the essence of the original architecture, relying on extensive research of the neighbourhood's history and aesthetics. Aesthetically, the design not only appeals visually but also seeks coherence from a holistic viewpoint. It provides a 360-degree experience, ensuring every element aligns with the overarching theme. The result is a store that immerses customers in a carefully crafted, nostalgic environment. In line with consumer preferences and industry trends, the design caters to the specific context and clientele of Laureles. The interior courtyard, reminiscent of the 70s, offers a unique, green-filled space for customers to enjoy their coffee in a climate-friendly setting. Sustainability is a core value embedded in the design. The restoration of the existing structure minimizes waste by avoiding unnecessary demolition. The design also prioritizes natural and mechanical ventilation, reducing energy consumption by eliminating the need for air conditioning. In summary, the coffee shop design achieves a harmonious blend of historical reverence, aesthetic appeal, contextual alignment, positive experiential impact, and a clear commitment to sustainability. It transcends typical coffee shop boundaries, becoming a cultural and community hub in Laureles.


Ministry of Roasters-Chiang Mai


Coffee Labs Roasters