Landed Coffee Roasters

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Designers | Cristina Arce (Illustrator) and Mary Jose Lozada (Art Director)

Location | Santander, Spain

Launch date | July 15, 2021

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Landed Coffee Roasters’ brand design is a culmination of four years of trial and error, watching, discussing and learning. Apart from looking at other coffee brands, a lot of inspiration came from our sister company, Primos de Origen, which has been importing and distributing specialty chocolate and tea since 2017 and has been exposed to a huge number of different brand designs as a result.

When we were deciding on what Landed Coffee Roasters as a brand would look like and communicate, we narrowed it down to 3 things: quality, sustainability (economic, social and environmental) and broadening your horizons. Our 250g retail bags for example are a significant break from the more widely used minimalist colour pallets for specialty coffee brands: bold and colourful - they grab your attention, but make you curious about what is inside: these beautiful illustrations, designed by a local, young, female, talented artist from Santander, Cristina Arce, are there to convey that Specialty Coffee is as complex and varied as the bag.

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The birds take center stage on the front of the packaging, each representing a country and a post harvest processing method, which helps customers identify their favourite origin. The more detailed information can be found at the back, to satisfy the coffee lovers and not intimidate curious customers who are just starting out on their specialty coffee journey.

Each of our coffee bags have their own flyer containing the same bird found on the front of the bag: the thick, 100% recycled paper flyer is designed to complete multiple functions: as a reminder, an art piece and a link to additional information about the coffee producer via QR code on the back.

Our T-shirts and tote-bags are ethically sourced and all designs are made by the same artist and printed by hand by a local startup marketing company. Finally our 100% compostable to-go cups are come in two sizes, with the espresso size mimicking our retail bag design and the insulated latte cups coming in a bright yellow containing the silhouette of our Roastery’s mascot - the hummingbird, which is easily recognizable and identifiable, even from a distance.

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TRUESDAY Specialty Coffee


Metric Coffee Cold Brew