Designers | BOB Studio

Location | Athens, Attica, Greece

Launch date | December 20, 2019

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The Story Behind the Brand… Kudu is the antelope who, according to a legend, first tasted coffee beans. A shepherd noticed that local antelopes became extremely lively when they ate the fruit of an unknown plant. This is how the idea for our brand name was born, wanting to "honor" the first antelope who discovered our favorite beverage. Therefore, our logo depicts the well-known antelope head with its horns enclosing the verbal parts of the logo: Kudu Coffee Roasters. At the end of 2019 we decided that the brand needs to go one step further, changing its appearance almost completely and introducing a new and evolved image.

Inspired by the story - and with consequently to our brand name, we wanted to give an unprecedented, primordial, and spiritual experience that matches that of coffee, capturing the antelope as a sacred symbol, and recalling the relationship that the primitive man had with the antelope on an artistic level. The logo is designed by hand to convey the handcrafted character of the brand, while the wildness and intensity of the letters reflect its dynamism.

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Kudu New Packaging The logo is very dynamic, and the antelope is used as a key element of the product identity on each package. That way, it enhances the craft character of the brand and creates a solid image on the shelf.

The rest of the elements on the product are only typographic to keep the simplicity and clarity of the design. The intense color palette differentiates the new coffee packages, and their dynamic character. Thus, for our most expensive coffees we have the Premium black color, for Single Origin coffees we chose white, and Greek coffee and other beverages are surrounded by a petrol color. Packages are also environmentally friendly as they are made from recyclable material.

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