Bunni Coffee

Designer | Eyen Design

Location | Amman, Jordan

Launch date | July 15, 2022


Bunni Coffee was established in 2019 in Amman, Jordan, with an exciting yet ambitious outlook on coffee: We’re the ones who yield the fruits of our world: fruits that have traveled with tales of people and places near and far. Crossing borders and navigating waters, handpicked treasures are united at their new home where we cherish every bean, draw on our knowledge, and take you on a journey to faraway lands. We reap what they sow, we roast what you need, and with each bean we plant a seed: a seed for you to experience the true joy of coffee, and enjoy discovering just how special our specialty coffee is. For our rebranding exercise we delved deep into the history of coffee, and it was inevitable for us to tread back to its origins and the importance of the Arabian Peninsula in introducing coffee to the world. Inspired by tales of travel and the beauty of Arabic cartography, coupled with the method and science behind high-quality coffee, we aimed to design a brand that celebrated this beautiful duality. Starting with the Bunni emblem, a bold and contemporary “Kufic” rendition reading Bunni in Arabic, which acts as our compass mark. This is complemented by a logotype that would become the legible mark to identify the brand, an earthy and roast-inspired colour scheme based on the true colours of the material, and a layout system that is studied, clear and rich with information, with a scientific visual treatment that would set the brand apart. All of this comes together in the brand applications and packaging, allowing Bunni to stand out from the crowd and be as confident as the coffee it offers.


Baristatus Co.

