The Espresso Lab

Designer | The Espresso Lab Specialty Design Division

Location | Dubai, U.A.E.

Launch Date | November 11, 2022


The JASMINE CUP is a unique coffee cup that is designed to enhance the flavor of the brew. Its patented design features an auto-aeration mechanism that uses physics to lock in flavors and aromas, resulting in a cup of coffee that is bursting with flavor. The cup is precision crafted, ensuring that it meets the highest standards in experiencing coffee. Whether you are a coffee connoisseur with a refined palate or just simply love enjoying specialty brews, the JASMINE CUP is sure to delight your senses and elevate your coffee-drinking experience, which is exactly what we set out to achieve.

This cup is a sum of all the combined experiences of The Espresso Lab in preparing and serving great coffee. The cup is designed to be a perfect companion to any coffee-drinking experience, no matter the type of coffee or the occasion. The patented design enhances the flavor of the brew, through a special auto-aeration mechanism that employs physics to lock in flavors and aromas. The concept for this cup was fully ideated and executed in-house at The Espresso Lab.




Mattina Coffee