Pine Coffee Supply

Designer | Hamilton

Location | Pinedale, WY, USA

Launch date | July 3, 2021

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Pine Coffee Truck is a decommissioned 1989 Mercedes Fire truck. Inside, all the equipment operates off battery and solar power to reduce air and noise pollution. The truck is designed to provide a full specialty coffee experience. The truck came about from long walks with my wife during the initial shut down from Covid-19. On these walks we discussed ideas and dreamed up ways to make sure our business survived these uncertain times. Once we landed on the idea of a coffee tuck we knew it couldn’t just be the standard Freightliner food truck, it had to be something unique, just like how we approach sourcing our coffee.

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Within a week of finding our German import on social media, we had a deposit down and a friend to drive me to Oregon and picked it up. Like most of our coffee shop, we gutted and built out the interior ourselves with some help from a good friend with the right tools and welding skills. We finished the inside with a couple Decent espresso machines, Puqpress, Mahlkonig E65s grinder, and paper stone countertops. We wanted the space to feel as nice as any specialty cafe, delivering an exceptional product on a mobile scale.

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Cool Coffee Clique


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