Main Lane Coffee Roasters

Designer | Ana Medina, Priscila Zuazo

Location | Berlin, Germany

Launch Date | July 1, 2022


Through our easy-to-like, non-stereotypical, and diverse brand we want to communicate our environmental friendly, social, and progressive values. The 3 categories are our aroma guiding system so the customer can easily choose which coffee they may like. Easy (blue) represents an introduction and entry point to specialty coffee. They are easily drinkable and accessible in terms of aromas but will open your eyes to a new world of coffee flavors. Experimental coffees (pink) are for the brave or at least the curious ones. You will smell and taste new unique and rare aromas and flavors which display the high end craftsmanship of the producers. It will be an exceptional coffee experience driven by different coffee varieties, processing and their sheer exquisiteness. If you are looking for something exotic you will find just the right coffee in our Excellence (yellow) range. Clean cups, complexity and bright aromas - you will feel pure joy drinking it. This category is reserved for exotic varieties, competition lots and just superbly processed coffees. They are only available in limited amounts and will show case the producers and their diamonds. Every category has its own color which was chosen to represent the characteristics of the coffees featured in it. It was important for us to bring some color into the world of specialty coffee and gain the attention for our goals and value in coffee. Through our design we want to communicate our goal to implement more sustainability alongside the value chain and to connect producers and consumers. For this reason every coffee has the name of the producer on it. As we are focusing on direct relationships it is important for us to give the consumer the chance to get to know more about the work and the person behind their coffee.


Forest Coffee


Coffee Planet