Designer | Anna Miltiadou

Location | Chania, Greece

Launch Date | September 20, 2023


We reached a stage where our production definitely gave us the space financially to move from the stock packaging options available to moving into what we always wanted with packaging. We wanted the experience to be able to travel with you from the shop or eshop to your home. Also what was important was a real world explanation regarding the coffee you would taste and how and where it came from on the actual package. This would aid a client to purchase a bag/box off the shelf with enough info there and that info would travel with them in a sustainable packaging with them having to hop onto a website necessarily to get that extra piece of info regarding what they had purchased. The colours for origins regions made distinguishing easy on the shelf and the designs on the blended coffees were in relation to the experience we hope the coffee delivers.


Madre Superiora Coffee Roasters


Backstage Roasters