Coffein Coffee Co.

Designer | Dr. Jennifer "Kat" Bechkoff

Location | Clovis, CA, USA

Launch Date | May 6 , 2023


Coffein is a portmanteau of coffee, caffeine, and coffin. It brings you handcrafted, specialty coffee with a dark, gothic aesthetic to match your wicked taste. The unconventional, edgy packaging design is inspired by the gothic subculture and incorporates a color palette dominated by deep black, steely silver, and blood-red accents. The distinctive, coffin-shaped coffee bags offer a unique twist to conventional coffee bags making them eye-catching and instantly recognizable. The secondary package is a matte black magnetized coffin box with red satin lining and silver foil graphics designed to house your coffee bag. It offers several functions: 1) It either matches your existing décor or it makes for a wonderful conversation piece, 2) it offers an extra layer of protection for your coffee from the damaging effects of sunlight and heat, and 3) it makes a fantastic reusable gift box when gifting friends/family/coworkers delicious specialty coffee.

Coffeinds who order coffins of Coffein online will receive them in branded, coffin-shaped shipping boxes guaranteed to be the most uniquely shaped piece of mail you’ve ever received. Coffein uses its macabre motif strategically, as a platform to promote bat conservation efforts. Bats play a crucial role in ecosystems, serving as pollinators, pest controllers, and seed dispersers but their populations have been declining at alarming rates. The promotion of conservation efforts not only raises awareness about the importance of protecting these essential creatures of the night but also contributes to a positive brand image, demonstrating Coffein’s commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. Coffein Coffee Co. uses its unique packaging to foster a connection with consumers who prioritize quality coffee, ethical business practices, and wicked design.


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