Amrita Certified Pure Coffee
The Blue Heron Espresso Nicaragua Selva Negra coffee label sets the stage for the environment where the coffee is grown and our origin using the image of the Blue Heron in the grass by the shore with the mountains in the background, the blue sky overhead and a heron in flight. The label on the back describes the coffee’s flavor, its origin, the plant type, altitude in which it is grown, and the process used from harvesting to packaging.
We wanted our design to tell a story about each coffee and our brand. We wanted to take the consumer to the farm or our inspirational island. Nature and preserving nature are an important part of our story. We did this through the hand-drawn original art with the use of color and icons that relate to the brand and coffee origins. We made sure the information that today's consumer is desiring was included along with our roast date. As part of our brand, we want to make sure that the customer knows we custom-roasted the coffee for them.
Labels for nine Amrita coffees seen together convey the creativity and attention to detail in the label designs, each one using images correlated to the country of origin and/or Amrita Island, and each one emphasizing the color blue of the healing waters of Amrita and in each case, telling a little of the story of each coffee though illustrations.