ICOSA Brewhouse


Designers | Johnny Loh & Vance Lee

Location | Toronto, Canada

Launch date | January 6, 2020

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You care about good coffee: how it’s produced, roasted, and brewed. So why not use a cup that brings out the full potential of your coffee’s flavor?

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AVENSI is a revolutionary glassware line that combines the science and engineering of wine and spirit glasses with what was missing from existing coffee cups. The result is a new category of coffee cup that allows you to taste and appreciate your coffee in ways never before possible.

AVENSI does something no other cup can: it turns coffee drinking into an active experience by allowing you to volatilize aromatics and control the temperature through swirling. This allows you to discover how your coffee’s unique flavors and aromas develop as the temperature cools.

The patented design was refined from over 80 iterations through testing with 90+ top coffee experts, scientists & sensory experts. Each glass in the collection is designed with the optimal shape and curvature to maximize the surface area of your coffee when you swirl. Similar to wine & spirit glasses, swirling aerates and oxidizes your coffee revealing a spectrum of dormant aromas and flavors in your brew.

The unique rim architecture of each glass directs the flow and spread of coffee onto specific areas of your tongue and palate, creating a unique tasting experience that will enhance your coffees flavor notes in different ways.

The 14oz volume holds enough for a generous serving, while being optimized for the most common manual pour-over and espresso based drinks of 6oz. 6oz of coffee aligns with the integrated ‘Perfect Pour Line’, where the single- and double-walls fuse together; this also acts as a visual indicator for where the largest surface area of coffee is exposed to air. When poured to this level, your coffee will have the maximum diffusion of aromas.

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Amar Café