Crankhouse Coffee

Designer | George Goodwin @omgidrawedit

Location | Exeter, UK

Launch Date | April 1, 2023


We asked the illustrator George Goodwin to create something fun and engaging telling the journey of coffee from the tree all the way through the various processes with the relevant actors along the path to the final cup in a cafe. George's style lends itself to querky characters in a near-reality setting full of energy and colour. We gave him freedom to create a bag design with his particular and unique style including characters like the cat and mice with a cup of coffee. There's even a discrete nod to our other passion of cycling. We worked with Grounded packaging on a functional yet sustainable and practical bag composition using a PCR material which in a small way shows our commitment to sustainability for our small roasting and retail operation. The flow of the image starts in the farm with the pickers, then to the drying beds and chemistry lab and fermentation tanks, through to roasting on our Loring S15 aka "Loretta" and finally to a barista serving coffee to two people in a cafe with their dog. We wanted to achieve something fun and engaging.


Technivorm-Moccamaster, Inc.

