Adriana Gonzalez Kaffeepflückerin - Quindigoods

Designer | Awesome girl top label Berlin

Location | Berlin, Germany

Launch Date | 8 March 2024


By submitting this packaging design, we hope to not only showcase our commitment to sustainability. The packaging industry generates an immense amount of waste worldwide due to the overuse of synthetic materials that are not biodegradable or easily recyclable. This excessive waste contributes to environmental pollution and degradation, highlighting the urgent need for more sustainable packaging solutions.

We have deliberately chosen the company responsible for producing our ecological pouches due to our steadfast commitment to supporting small and medium-sized family-owned businesses. Embracing the ethos of localism, we proudly stand behind products made in Germany and Europe, recognizing the invaluable contributions these businesses make to our communities and economies. these values, not only ensure the highest quality standards but also ethical business practices, reinforcing our dedication to responsible sourcing and consumer trust.




Foundation Coffee Roasters